





今年5月,OPPO正式发布了Reno 8系列,其中包含了三款产品,而最亮眼的是“超大杯”版OPPO Reno8 Pro+。该机采用了天玑8100-Max与马里亚纳MariSilicon X两枚芯片,内置4500mAh大电池与长寿版80W超级闪充方案,并为大家带来了8GB+256GB、12GB+256GB两款存储方案,起售价仅为3699元。

在众多硬件配置中,4500mAh大电池与长寿版80W超级闪充变得格外亮眼。眼下,不少手机厂商已进入5000mAh时代,也普及了120W快充方案,就连200W充电方案也开始装机量产。仅凭硬件,OPPO Reno8 Pro+在续航与快充方面并不出众,但仔细研究后发现,OPPO Reno8 Pro+采用的这套方案不仅解决了续航短的问题,并且在充电安全以及电池寿命上为大家带来了不少惊喜。

从初代Reno开始,轻薄的机身设计一直沿用至今。虽然轻薄的机身可以为大家带来更加优质的握持体验和高颜值的外观,但同时也让机身内部的空间更为局促,想要在有限的空间内塞下一块足够大的电池十分不易。7.34mm的机身厚度让Reno8 Pro+成为了有着史上最薄Reno,在保证机身足够轻薄的前提下,通过对机身内部空间结构进行叠堆优化,给电池留下更多地空间,还采用了创新的布局缩短了主板长度,最终塞下了一块4500mAh大电池。

除了电池外,OPPO Reno8 Pro+还搭载了长寿命80W超级闪充与之配合。之所以被称为长寿版,主要得益于OPPO Reno8 Pro+拥有电池仿生修复电解液技术与OPPO独家的智能电池健康算法,有效降低充电温度,长效保持电池中锂离子活性,将电池寿命提升至2倍。

通过OPPO实验室数据得知,OPPO Reno8 Pro+仅10分钟就可将电池充至……


Apple and Oppo are two of the top **artphone brands in the world. They are known for their high-quality devices with sleek designs and a**anced technologies. While Apple is a more established brand with a loyal following, Oppo is relatively new to the market but has quickly gained popularity, especially in Asia. In this article, we will explore the similarities and differences between Apple and Oppo **artphones.

Design and Build

Both Apple and Oppo **artphones are known for their sleek designs and premium build quality. Apple devices have a minimalist design with a focus on simplicity, while Oppo phones have a more flashy and eye-catching design with a focus on aesthetics. Apple devices are typically made of aluminum or glass, while Oppo devices are made of plastic, metal, or glass. Both brands offer a range of colors and finishes, but Apple has been criticized for its lack of customization options compared to Oppo.

Features and Technology

Apple and Oppo **artphones are packed with a**anced technology and features. Apple devices run on iOS, which is known for its user-friendly interface and stable performance. Oppo devices run on ColorOS, which is also known for its sleek and intuitive interface. Apple devices are equipped with a range of proprietary technologies, such as Face ID, Siri, and AirDrop, while Oppo devices offer features such as VOOC fast charging, 5G connectivity, and AI-powered camera software. Both brands also offer a**anced cameras with a range of shooting modes and editing tools.

Pricing and Availability

One of the biggest differences between Apple and Oppo **artphones is their pricing and availability. Apple devices are known for their premium price tags, with the latest iPhones starting at $699 and going up to $1,399. Oppo devices, on the other hand, are generally more affordable, with the latest flagship models starting at around $399. However, Apple devices are more widely available around the world, while Oppo devices are primarily sold in Asia.


Apple and Oppo are both top **artphone brands known for their high-quality devices with a range of a**anced technologies and features. While Apple is more established with a loyal following, Oppo has quickly gained popularity, especially in Asia. The brands differ in their design and build, features and technology, pricing, and availability. Ultimately, the choice between Apple and Oppo **artphones will depend on personal preferences and budget.


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在电脑上读取vivo手机文件,需要先在vivo手机上安装对应的软件。用户可以通过vivo官方网站或其他应用商店下载安装vivo手机助手。在电脑**问vivo、官方网站,点击下载vivo手机助手。安装完成后,将vivo手机连接至电脑,并开启Funtouch OS电脑模式。此时,电脑将自动检测到vivo手机助手,点击连接即可将vivo手机连接至电脑。到此为止,用户就可以在电脑上**作vivo手机了。








